Death By Sugar—6 Ways Sugar Damages Your Body

Sugar Will Kill You

Sugar tin hold upwards every bit addictive every bit cocaine. It activates the brain’s vantage organisation causing pleasure-inducing chemicals (dopamine) to overflowing the body. The outcome is a craving for more… as well as more.

More than one-third of adults inwards the USA are obese.

If sodas are your saccharide of choice, at that topographic point are other dangers also saccharide lurking there. Recently a Consumer Report identified the caramel coloring inwards close sodas every bit cancer-causing.

As a touchstone recommendation, TOTAL saccharide consumption should hold upwards nether 25 grams per day. Recently Coca Cola re-introduced a imbibe they discontinued inwards the belatedly 90's called Surge. With 65 grams of saccharide inwards a xvi oz can, Surge sold out on Amazon during the September 15th introduction. Yikes!

For close people it would also hold upwards wise to boundary your saccharide from fruit (aka fructose) to fifteen grams or less, every bit you're virtually guaranteed to eat "hidden" sources of sugar/fructose if y'all imbibe beverages other than H2O as well as eat processed food. Of course, I'd advise that y'all cutting out all processed nutrient as well as whatsoever imbibe other than filtered water, greenish tea as well as Kombucha.

Why So Much Sugar?

Years agone it was wrongly suggested nosotros eat less or no fat—because fats were bad as well as made us fatty they said. Sugar was added to processed nutrient to brand upwards for the perceived loss of gustation every bit a outcome of reducing the fat. From that indicate forwards we've seen saccharide added to virtually every processed nutrient (including organic wellness foods). And Americans bring gotten fatter as well as sicker.

The proliferation of GMO corn (>88% of all corn is genetically modified) translates to inexpensive saccharide (aka high-fructose corn syrup) for the nutrient manufacture to add together to a greater extent than season to their foods. Anything tastes practiced amongst sugar. Now also the dangers of sugar, add together to that the hazards of GMOs.

In a quick trip to the shop to pick upwards a tin of organic beans I needed for a recipe, I glanced at the ingredients as well as found... yup... saccharide added. Disgusting! What is saccharide doing inwards a tin of beans that should hold upwards beans? Only beans.

Sugar is inwards breads, crackers, every variety of boxed as well as processed food... as well as therefore y'all bring the artificial ingredients, preservatives as well as trans fats (hydrogenated oils). Read labels as well as don't purchase it if it has sugar. Even if it's organic evaporated cane juice. It's sugar! It reacts the same inwards the body.

Prepare as well as eat real, fresh nutrient from the earth.

In what nutrient were y'all surprised to notice saccharide lately? Have y'all reduced or eliminated saccharide inwards your diet? What was the effect?

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