Interview alongside Kevin Benkowski—Prostate Cancer Survivor

When I attended the Integrated Health Conference—Cure to Cancer Summit this past times March, I had the chance to encounter many folks who dealt alongside their cancer using diet as well as alternative treatments. It's real encouraging to regard many sought alternative treatments instead of the conventional procedures. They saw, unremarkably first-hand, that conventional therapies oft left the cancer patient weak as well as sick alongside a seriously compromised immune system—later seem upward a recurrence of cancer as well as and thus die.

I met Kevin at lunch. We were both seeking the organic vegan luncheon selection offered to conference attendees. Vegan love apple tree soup. Delicious!

Kevin came to the conference to larn what to a greater extent than he could create to locomote along enjoying his cancer-free life. Here is Kevin's story.

How did you lot larn you lot had cancer?
I began to sense urinary issues a few years agone as well as exactly considered it somewhat normal every bit I was over 50 as well as understood that the prostate enlarges inwards most men my age. Though my PSA numbers were inwards the normal gain they were even thus on the high side, but nearly a twelvemonth agone it creeped upward to exactly higher upward 4, which is the threshold for “normal.”

Upon my top dog physician’s advice, I decided to regard a urologist. When I did, an MRI was prescribed which showed a modest nighttime spot on the anterior side of the prostate, but this was non definitive…and thus I somewhat reluctantly agreed to a biopsy. The physical care for confirmed that at that spot was cancer acquaint inwards two of the fourteen biopsies. This was inwards September of 2014. 

What did you lot intend as well as create next your diagnosis?
I wasn’t shocked, every bit my begetter as well as blood brother both had prostate cancer. But I was surprised that the urologist instantly advised me that my best alternative at that dot was a radical prostatectomy—to locomote performed past times him using his DaVinci four-armed robot. I left the purpose alongside my married adult woman quite confused. My alone option, according to this urologist, was to receive got a surgical physical care for alongside a 30% chance of both incontinence as well as impotency, non to hollo having a handbag attached to my leg alongside a catheter inserted for vi months thus I could urinate. I wasn’t thrilled alongside those odds, fifty-fifty though my blood brother had the operation done successfully 10 years previously.

Did you lot follow whatever conventional MD prescribed treatments, if thus what were they?
The urologist did non prescribe whatever treatment, conventional or otherwise [except the surgery]. He alone advised me that because my Gleason grade was a seven (3+4) out of 10, I actually couldn’t hold off likewise long every bit the cancer had progressed beyond the “watch as well as wait” stage. I had to create upward one's hear inside a affair of months. My determination was made nearly a calendar week later, when it was decided that I would discovery natural treatments to boost my immune organization as well as struggle it on my own. I was sure enough I could create it.

What alternative treatments did you lot contain into your healing journey? Did you lot see a detail alternative or integrated wellness hospital for treatment?
I knew of a few people inwards the alternative healing public who offered some advice, generally suggestions on websites to hold off at…which I did for weeks on cease (and even thus do)! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 friend of my wife’s offered me his “Quest for the Cures” library inwards Nov of terminal twelvemonth as well as I watched it outset to end, fascinated past times everything I didn’t know nearly cancer, the scientific discipline as well as the business. What this video serial made me realize was that at that spot ARE cures out at that spot for cancer…but large medicine merely doesn’t desire you lot to know nearly them!

Are at that spot books or websites you lot flora especially helpful that you lot tin sack listing for us?

These are exactly a few! There are also links on these sites to many others, including ones on social media.

Did your cancer heal? What create you lot attribute your healing to (diet, herbs, alternative therapies, attitude, exercise, sleep)?
Well, after making major discoveries on how to detox as well as boost my immune organization through diet as well as supplements, I embarked on a massive shift inwards my mental attitude towards food, piece taking bits as well as pieces of numerous therapies, treatments, as well as protocols that resonated alongside me. There are definitely some contradictory opinions out there. After a calendar month of detoxing as well as three months of eating an organic diet (and eliminating meat, dairy, coffee, alcohol as well as sugar), I took a Red Drop blood test which indicated no detectable signs of cancer.

Looking dorsum what would you lot create differently?
I would receive got declined the biopsy every bit I flora out later it is non a condom procedure, at to the lowest degree non inwards the representative of the prostate.

Do you lot receive got thoughts on why you lot had cancer?
I’m quite sure enough it was due to high stress levels during the bad economical times several years ago, during which I divorced, filed for bankruptcy, as well as lost my home. My diet at the fourth dimension was also less than ideal…I was taking pharmaceuticals as well as drinking alcohol as well as java daily. I was an emotional prepare wreck.

Are at that spot things you lot locomote along to do? What are they?
Today I hold off at this ordeal every bit a blessing…and a wakeup call. I receive got a novel mental attitude on nutrient as well as life inwards general. It’s definitely helped me spiritually…I’ve learned to meditate as well as to locomote at peace alongside myself as well as those around me. I volition locomote along to swallow construct clean organic nutrient (in the physical care for I lost 35 lbs!), as well as I volition also locomote along to accept immunity edifice supplements, every bit I receive got genuinely never felt ameliorate than I create now, at 60.

What words of comfort or wisdom create you lot receive got for those facing a cancer diagnosis?
Listen, but locomote skeptical of what the doctors tell you. You would similar to intend they receive got your best involvement inwards mind, but I receive got concluded otherwise. Doctors are trained, non educated. They know ane way, as well as that is to care for the symptom, non the cause. They necessitate our business. Assuming at that spot was a cure that was endorsed past times large medicine, as well as they couldn’t as well as thus care for (or manage) cancer, they’d locomote out of work! My advice is to hold off at cancer every bit an chance to grow, heal, as well as alter your life for the better, all the fourth dimension knowing that your trunk has all the tools it needs to heal, piece woman rear globe provides us alongside all of the “medicine” nosotros need!

Well said, Kevin.

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