Jamie Oliver—Fighting for Food Education

Jamie Oliver Food Revolution
Happy Food Education Day!

Worldwide, at that topographic point are to a greater extent than than 42 meg children nether the historic menstruum of 5 who are either overweight or obese, together with it's the get-go fourth dimension that the side yesteryear side generation volition alive shorter lives than their parents if things don't change.

We eat, precisely nosotros swallow foods high inward calories together with depression inward nutrients. We are overfed even together with thence undernourished. So much together with thence that the world's biggest killers are instantly diet-related diseases, including see failure together with stroke. So what tin nosotros do?

It all starts alongside education. It’s essential that nosotros arm futurity generations alongside the life skills they urgently remove inward guild to Pb healthier, happier, to a greater extent than productive lives. Educating the side yesteryear side generation nearly real, nourishing foods together with supporting them to alive healthier lifestyles is the fundamental to a existent nutrient revolution.

Jamie Oliver has made it his lifelong travel to learn kids to swallow a good for you lot diet. Join Jamie together with other health-minded people similar him together with sign the petition to railroad train our kids.

As a children's writer together with wellness blogger I am doing my part. Get the pop kid's mass app The Prisoner of Carrot Castle alongside curriculum together with message of eating vegetables.

Sumber http://www.healthyjourneycafe.com/
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