A Noodle Story - Award Winning Singapore Style Ramen (Michelin Guide 2016)

H5N1 Noodle Story is founded yesteryear 2 immature passionate chefs who e'er worked inwards roughly five-star restaurants across the globe. Inspired yesteryear the sophisticated noodle dish on whatever high-end eating seat with a affect of hawker nutrient scene, their signature collection bill of fare is sure gorgeous spell the cost itself is below S$ 6.00. No wonder final months, they got awarded yesteryear Michelin Guide 2016 equally the must-try noodle stall inwards Singapore. With this form of establishment, they volition live long-lasted. Be sure to live the starting fourth dimension to endeavour this remarkable hawker nutrient stall alongside your community. 

Strategically located inwards the piece of job expanse of Singapore, build them actually stand upwards out together with larn the highest crowd during peak hour. Even though the long queue has been made for 1 hour, people nonetheless bring together the crowd. If nosotros getting insights, nosotros exercise realize the house itself is simply modest together with non fancy at all, but this is the essence of hawker nutrient scene inwards Singapore. Just similar drawing on a blank canvass with zero expectations, your expectations powerfulness live quite depression at the starting fourth dimension time but later you lot getting closer with the nutrient together with their reputation your touchstone well-nigh skillful nutrient has been lifted. From this point, H5N1 Noodle Story is honestly worth a try.

Dedicated to satisfying Singaporean's palate, the uncomplicated bowl of robust Ramen available inwards iii dissimilar sizes (Small S$ 5.90, Medium S$ 7.20 together with Large S$ 8.50) that simultaneously enjoyable. Featuring the springy sparse noodle, topped with obese slices of pork meat, half-cooked egg, prawn dumpling, together with crispy spud wrapped prawn that results inwards undeniably delicious flavor. If nosotros would similar to analyzed one-by-one, each chemical gene is sure made this dish stand upwards out. The obese slices of pork meat are especially succulent together with juicy spell the half-cooked egg is simply nicely oozy on that bowl. However, how they exercise that crispy prawn fritter is simply exceptional, because the crunchiness is at that spot followed yesteryear the moistness of that protein. Although the crispy prawn fritters tend to live everyone's favorite, my ultimate preferences belong to that prawn dumpling. Exceedingly smoothen together with good balanced.

What I require to tell to a greater extent than well-nigh H5N1 Noodle Story is they simply consistent with what are they doing. Each bowl has been delivered nicely to the client together with got the same character betwixt i to another. And yes, everything is handmade hither together with no preservatives. It is absolutely rare to honour this criterion on other hawker nutrient stall or fifty-fifty high-end eating seat because they experience what people's need. Redefine the mutual ramen bowl into to a greater extent than pregnant together with affordable similar this is genuinely outstanding. 

Overall, at that spot is no lack of impression for this brand. They got a beautiful bowl of Singapore's ramen that embedded inwards the attractive presentation, skillful flavor, together with complex settings. This recent finding would live a squeamish process for foodies across the globe.

A Noodle Story
vii Maxwell Rd
Amoy Street Food Centre #01-39
Nearest MRT: Telok Ayer
Operational Hours:
11.15am - 2.30pm (Lunch)
5.30pm - 7.30pm (Dinner)

Collaboration: aaronhandajani@gmail.com
Snapchat: AaronHandajani

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