32 names no longer used yesteryear Nigerians

by Miz Tee

It is non only physical things that larn former together with stage out. Names also endure a similar fate.

Here are 32 names that used to live pop with Nigerians but non whatever more:

1. Apollonia

2. Dorothy

3. Scholastica

4. Douglas

5. Augustine

6. Augustina

7. Elijah

8. Noah

9. Julius

10. Samson

12. Abel

13. Louis

14. Louisa

15. Sandra

16. Theresa

17. Edna

18. Philomena

19. Eugene

20. Edith

21. Gerald

22. Maurice

23. Leonard

24. Paul

25. Paulina

26. Callista

27. Adam

28. Habbakuk

29. Dorcas

30. Abraham

31. Jemimah

32. Rebecca



While it appears these names are getting unpopular, names like:

a. Daniel

b. Francis

c. Stanley

d. Benjamin

e. Mary

f. Abigail

g. Naomi

h. Austin

i. Andy

j. Frank

k. Stephen

l. Chris

m. Kinsley

n. Richard

o. Joy

p. Rachel, etc.

-- has remained relatively evergreen.


What create you lot think?

What other names create you lot intend has larn unpopular with Nigerians?

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